October 24, 2017, Taipei – COUGAR announces today the arrival to international markets of its two new FPS gaming mice: Revenger S and Minos X5. This pair of gaming input devices is the result of years of research, optimization and field testing with the single goal of helping gamers unleash all their gaming skills.
These two mice share the same powerful entrails, packing within themselves everything a gamer can ask for. The first piece of this dream configuration is the Pixart PMW3360 sensor, a piece of technology that has already become a byword for accuracy and one-to-one tracking. Building on that excellent base is COUGAR’s fine-tuned electronic specifications and structure that grant both mice the ability to work with a 2000Hz polling rate. This combination of specs is at the heart of these mice’s superiority: The optical accuracy of the PMW3360 allows gamers to bring all their prowess to the game, while the 2000Hz refresh rate sends updated input data twice as fast as most competitors. Accuracy and fast response meet in a lethal combination that potentially allows gamers to react twice as fast as their rivals using non-2000Hz mice.
“We knew a company gets only a few shots at claiming perfection for one of its products, much less for two of them, so we had to make sure we were putting high-end, solid components inside Minos X5 and Revenger S.”
Lio Huang – Brand Director at COUGAR
But while good specs are an essential part of what decides a gaming mouse’s performance, its shape is what determines whether gamers will be able and willing to use them for hours, and COUGAR has not skimped in resources and time here. Years have been spent working with many different gaming teams to figure out just what the best possible shapes for palm – Revenger S – and finger – Minos X5 – grips would be (both mice are excellent for claw grip style), and the results show as soon as one starts using any of these mice. Not only the COUGAR R&D team, but also hundreds of players (through big-scale polls) and professional eSports teams (through advanced testing) have contributed to the development of these two mice.
“We played hundreds of online matches with randomized opponents for months to put to the test different shapes’ effects on players’ performance. As we provided feedback, COUGAR used it to adjust the two mice’s design. Revenger S and Minos X5 are the points in which there was no substantial performance improvement to be made. Perfection.”
Lucas Noya – Director of the Miami Flamingos eSports team
For these reasons, we feel confident in affirming that these two mice are the best choice for anybody interested in first-person shooters. Accurate, with an incredibly fast response and in two shapes that fulfill different gamers’ needs, no gaming mouse can surpass Minos X5 and Revenger S’ performance.
Official Product Website
- Revenger S: https://cougargaming.com/
products/mice/revenger_s/ - Minos X5: https://cougargaming.com/
products/mice/minos_x5/ - Buy the Cougar Revenger S from Amazon – http://amzn.to/2gFg4WO
- Buy the Cougar Minos X5
from Amazon – http://amzn.to/2zb7MRw