Performance has been tested on Intel Broadwell-E platform based on i7 6800K processor and ASRock X99 Taichi motherboard. There were no issues during installation or with stability during tests.
Let’s start with ATTO Disk Benchmark.
Above you can see results using default Microsoft driver as I mentioned on the previous page of this review. Patriot is declaring up to 3000MB/s read and up to 2400MB/s write bandwidth. Our results are showing slightly lower write bandwidth but at the same time higher read which reached 3056MB/s.
What is interesting, higher queue depth was showing better performance while usually it’s worse.
Next test is CrystalDiskMark which is one of the most popular storage benchmarks, mainly because of simple use and various tests.
In CrystalDiskMark results are not so good as in ATTO but we can see that regardless of test file size, results are similar. It’s a good sign which can tell us that drive can deliver consistent performance.
Random bandwidth results are quite good. We could expect some more looking at the maximum sequential bandwidth but it’s typical that current controllers can’t make much more than we can see on above screenshots. Results are simply great.
Anvil’s Storage Utilities is next simple to use benchmark which is performing similar tests to the applications above but is using different files. As we can see, performance in this test looks not so good. However we are used to see that this benchmark is showing lower results. It’s always matter of what we are testing and results between different benchmarks can’t be compared. Results which we were able to achieve are still one of the best you can make on a single SSD. I only wish to see 4K random results higher as these are about as high as SATA SSD. I think that I’ve seen higher results on Patriot Blast SSD in previous reviews. Somehow this has happened only in this one benchmark.
At the end PCMark 8 so whole system benchmark but in this case we will focus on the storage tests.
It’s hard to compare PCMark 8 results on various SSD because of the way how PCMark is testing NVMe SSD but it’s clear that 360MB/s in mixed test mode is a good result which we won’t ever see on SATA drives. Storage score is also one of the highest we’ve seen regardless of used interface.
The Patriot Hellfire is performing great in most our tests. Personally I had no chance to test better performing single SSD and I think it’s a great storage for all gamers who require high performance in the daily challenges.
1 comment
amazing review thx