The Funky Kit Show LIVE, is a global weekly tech talk show hosted by Winston Chim. The show is currently broadcast LIVE every Wednesdays (updates) and Sundays (main show), via popular streaming platforms Twitch, YouTube Live and Facebook Live. Broadcast times are usually at 11am EST / 4pm GMT /11pm SGT (daylight saving time). The show was originally created to during the Covid-19 pandemic, and first aired in early 2020, as a way to reach out to its audience due to the lack of in-person events and exhibitions. As popularity for the show grew towards the summer of 2020, Winston managed to attract many guests from the tech industry, including brands such as Thermaltake, EVGA, Patriot Memory/Viper Gaming, Raijintek, BeQuiet, and many more. They all took this unique opportunity to showcase their latest products, and interact with members of the public via the live chat.
The show’s format include news and updates from both the Funky Kit’s main website, as well as its sister site AMD3D. Also included are unboxing videos, product introduction, Mods of the Week, Rig Builder™ (Funky Kit’s very own system configurator), general tech chat, prize giveaway announcements, and weekly previews.
A part of the show includes a special slide-show called ‘Mods of the Week’, displaying a wide variety of modified PCs and system builds, which are all taken from Funky Kit’s 72,000+ member-strong Extreme PC and Modding Facebook group. Within a few months, the ‘Mods of the Week’ feature gained immense popularity, attracting many of the world’s renowned modders to join the show as special guests, including Mike Petereyns, Mad-Man-Mods, Jason Simm (iST.Modz) and many more.
Past shows have featured: tech journalists Bob Buskirk (, Andy Ruffell (, Dewayne Carel (Modders Inc), Denis Sikk (musicians and tech enthusiast), RobTheLegacy (Gamer/Streamer), and the Fraggin ‘n’ Laggin Crew with Junkhead and BLAZE.
Thanks to several active sponsors, the show also hosts many LIVE prize giveaways for the general public during the 90-minute broadcast. To this date (29-Mar-2021), the Funky Kit Show LIVE is currently on its 141st episode.
Be sure to check out our latest streams on, and also check out the details of our upcoming shows on Facebook. And finally, don’t forget you can watch past shows on our YouTube channel as well.
We are looking for a ‘Co-host’ to join our team
Yes, that’s right … we are looking for a co-host to join me in our Funky Kit Show LIVE. If you think you’ve got what it takes, then why not give it a try 🙂 Eligible candidates must have the following attributes …
- Charismatic, Energetic, Vibrant
- Not camera shy
- Be my ‘wingman’
- Some tech knowledge (beginner level is fine)
- Familiar with Facebook events, Twitch channels etc.
- Good spoken English
- Free on Sundays
Tasks will include …
- Preparing the agenda/topics for the week’s show
- Creating and managing all the weekly shows via Facebook and Twitch
- Sharing and promoting the Funky Kit Show details on our social media
Tech requirements
- Laptop or PC with 720p or 1080p webcam
- Good internet connection
- Use Google Meets
If you are interested in becoming a part of this fantastic team, and to co-host the Funky Kit Show LIVE with me … then send me an email to Looking forward too your reply.
Past Live Shows
- Episode 140 –
- Episode 139 –
- Episode 138 –
- Episode 136 –
- Episode 135 –
- Episode 134 –
- Episode 133 –
- Episode 132 –
- Episode 131 –
- More episodes on YouTube