Lenovo has been trying its hardest to sell and market their latest range of smartphones. They’ve unveiled the Phab2Pro and Moto Z, both of which contain some new and unusual features.
The Phab2Pro gets Tango augmented reality, while the Moto Z now has interchangeable snap-on modules. Will they sell? Who knows, maybe …
“Lenovo has announced two unusual smartphones – a model that uses special cameras to scan its surroundings and a handset with optional snap-on parts. The Phab2Pro’s sensors allow it to make sense of objects and close-by spaces, allowing graphics to be intelligently added to real-world views.
The Moto Z uses magnets to add optional hardware modules to the phone’s rear including a speaker and a projector.
Analysts said the innovations might prove a tough sell. That would complicate Lenovo’s efforts to turn around sales of its own phones and those of the Motorola division it bought from Google for $2.8bn in 2014.”
Source: BBC