How To Guides

Setting Up An Alipay Account

So what’s the lowdown in what you can use an Alipay account for?

  • Shop on most of Chinese website, including Taobao and Tmall
  • Transfer money to your friends
  • Pay credit card bills
  • Pay phone bills
  • Go Dutch
  • Get a taxi
  • Invest in mutual fund with Alibaba
  • Check bank balance
  • In-store purchase for selected supermarket, restaurants and vending machines


As a foreigner, anybody living outside of China, setting up an Alipay account (also known as Zhifubao) has been met great difficulty due to the need for a shenfenzheng (Chinese ID) number. To be completely honest, I tried writing up a how-to guide in setting up an Alipay account, but repeatedly got lost or confused with all the steps required. Luckily SmartShanghai has written up a very concise step-by-step guide.

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So there you have it. I hope that this brief article has given you some insight into Alipay and/or aided you in opening an account. Before we go, here’s a quick list of Chinese words you may encounter on Alipay’s website, and their transactions:

还款 huán kuǎn repayment
充值 chōngzhí recharge
捐款 juān kuǎn donation
彩票 cǎi piào lottery
学费 xué fèi tuition
注册 zhù cè register
确定 què ding confirm
账户 zhàng hù account
护照 hù zhào passport
海外 hǎi wài overseas
支付密码 zhīfù mì mǎ payment code
登录密码 dēng lù mì mǎ login password
真实姓名 zhēn shíxìng míng real name
性别 xìng bié gender

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