If you are an Internet cafe surfer you should know you are facing a great risk, in the form of an easy-to-use but very effective data sniffing tool: Firesheep. This Firefox plugin can grant anyone from the same network access to your password-protected session with any site, like Facebook, Twitter or even your email provider. This can be very dangerous taking into consideration the amount of information we now keep online: pictures, documents, emails and even financial information can fall into the wrong hands if you don`t learn how to protect yourself in these situations.
Even amateur hacker can use Firesheep to hijack your session. With a simple double click they can get access to your personal information, emails and more. The plugin works by reading the unencrypted cookies that these sites use to authenticate your session, and then uses them to impersonate you. A simple, yet effective approach, this style of hacking is referred to as “side-jacking” and can be very dangerous unless you take the appropriate measures.
VPN services
The good news is that you can now encrypt your session cookies with an amazing service: the personal VPN. VPNs have been around for a long time, but have been mostly used by large corporations to provide local network access to their employees. Now, the same secure technology can help you gain secure access to the Internet, even in Internet cafes. The VPN service will encrypt all your Internet traffic, rendering the FIresheep attack useless and keeping your information safe.
How does it work
If you`re not so tech savvy, you should not worry. Modern day VPNs are easy to use, just install a simple piece of software and click connect to start the VPN. While connected your traffic will be encrypted and your browsing session safe. Get yours now and don`t stress the next time you logon to Facebook from the local Starbucks!
Get your own VPN
If you`re convinced you want to buy a VPN service , I would recommend SunVPN, one of the best VPN providers available. With SunVPN VPN service you will encrypt all your Internet traffic and stay safe from Firesheep even in Internet cafes!