
Wing’s Blog – Apps & iQos

I’m also thinking about starting to give up smoking. Note the use of the words ‘thinking’ and ‘starting’. Its a dirty and smelly habit, and my lungs are probably only working at 30% capacity, but I do find it as a way of relaxing.

What really brought on this line of thought is that I’m surrounded by people using the latest cigarette craze in Hong Kong. No, not those pipe like looking contraptions that you stick some sort oil to vaporize, that’s already outdated here. In keeping with the local tradition of every thing from Japan is good and trendy, the latest craze is the iQos, a Marlboro branded e-cig. Apparently these are big in Japan, and that’s where they get them from, so it must be a good thing. I tried going to their official website, but its so Japan-cool, I would need a Japan IP to view it….


You get a charging holder about the size of a small pencil case which you have to charge up at night. The holder charges up the main e-cig contraption which it stores inside. When you use it, you remove the e-cig and have to put in a dedicated cigarette tab thats about an inch long. LEDs indicate how much charge the e-cig has, which lasts for about 3 minutes and you have to dispose of the tab and recharge the e-cig by placing it back in the holder, which takes about 5 minutes to charge. Packets of the tabs are about HK$35 for a pack of 20. The tabs do not contain any tar. Oh, as its trendy, it comes in a variety of colors for the fashion-minded.


The response from the users of the iQos is that it tastes like burning sweetcorn……nice, not.

I’m one of those type of people that always forgets to charge up things. I’ve had several sets of bluetooth headsets, all of which were used about 3 times as I just forget to charge them. So I know what will happen if I use the iQos, I’ll forget to charge it one day and run down to the local 7-11 convenience store, buy a proper packet of Marlboro, and light up.

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