CyberMedia and TAITRA brings the PC Modding to the Global Stage at CyberMods 24hrs COMPUTEX 2017. This is an event that unites the modding communities, bringing together the modders from around the world to compete and showcase their talents at COMPUTEX. In this competition, these talented modders will physically alter and modify hardware to not only enhance performance but also create unique aesthetics to the build. The modders will be given themes to adhere where they will create a build that best accentuates the theme they selected. The themes will be Sci-Fi, Video Games or Movies.
With the growth of technology so have the growth of PC Modding, power users are getting more and more creative, using their resources to the maximum and creating PC built that were never thought possible before with its’ complexity and exquisiteness. Some mods can be amazingly extensive, transforming itself completely from the source, creating a novel design. CyberMods 24hrs understands the importance of modding as a trend within the PC and Tech industry, leading the first ever live modding event in COMPUTEX.
Media Partners
This is a period of time where modders will have a time span of 24 hours to build their case mod in front of the audience. The modders must complete the project at COMPUTEX.
CyberMods 24hrs will be taking place at COMPUTEX 2017
Nangang Hall 4F, Light Gallery at COMPUTEX
May 30th – June 2nd 2017, competition event starts from 9:00AM to 6:00PM every day
June 3rd, Modders will be presenting their PC built from 9:00AM to 4:00PM
- 1st Place = $3000 USD
- 2nd Place = $2000 USD
- 3rd Place = $1000 USD
- Media’s Choice = $500 USD
Media’s Choice:
This award category is given to the winning team voted by the media. This award category is to show CyberMedia’s gratitude towards the media and their importance within this event.
Participating media will be eligible to join a raffle after the event to take home a major prize during the awarding ceremony on June 2nd, 4PM.
CyberMods 24hrs: