Xiaomi has launched new ‘Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD’ in the US. The device is priced at $39.99, which is approximately Rs 2,730. However, there is no word on the Indian pricing and availability yet. One of the key highlights of these headphones is that they feature hybrid dual dynamic and balanced armature drivers, which Xiaomi claims to offer music with finer details. It is the upgraded version of Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro that the company launched earlier this year in India for Rs 1,399 (Silver color variant) and Rs 1,799 (Gold color variant).
The headphones feature TPE wiring to offer durability and less tangling. It also features graphene diaphragm and is made from 25-step process. The package includes four soft and comfortable earbuds – XS, S, M and L size. Xiaomi has also mentioned that the acoustic tuning is done by Luca Bignari, four-time Grammy Award winner. The in-ear design has a 45-degree angle for creating good and comfortable seal.
Weighing just 17 grams, the headphones come with an in-line microphone for making and receiving calls. It also comes with a full metal three-button remote to let you play / pause music, and increase / decrease volume. The functionality works with both Android and iOS smartphones.
“The dual-dynamic driver keeps the bass and mid tones mellow, and is made with graphene material that pumps out sounds with fuller and richer details. The balanced armature driver retains the rich details of the high notes for the main melody, so you get to experience tri-band equalization effect. Now it feels almost like you’re close to nature,” Xiaomi said on its product listing page.