The apps now support hand clapping and high-fives. This could signal the beginning of a controllerless VR environment. Taken from Engadget … Meta’s VR hand tracking has...
HyperX, the gaming peripherals team at HP Inc. and brand leader in gaming and esports, today announced it is now shipping the HyperX Clutch wireless...
nerdytec, the lap desk company that revolutionized gaming from your couch, is excited to announce its partnership with the recognized movie studio Paramount Pictures to...
Suit up for the metaverse and make the virtual feel real with our Razer HyperSense Suit—a highly-advanced, full-body gaming suit powered by Razer™ HyperSense haptic technology....
Bargains are always good … especially when you get $50 off at Amazon – Taken from Engadget … With an improved camera, boosted performance and...
It’s pretty compact …and space is tight. Taken from Engadget … The Mac Studio’s storage isn’t quite as set in stone as you might think, although you’ll want to...
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