At USD $150 for a PlayStation Platinum wireless gaming headset … I recommend checking other brands first. There are loads of choices available on the market.
“There’s no shortage of gaming headsets on the market, and in an effort to distinguish themselves, manufacturers are turning to gimmicks to stand out from the competition. Sony, for example, has several PlayStation-branded pairs, and now it’s adding another to the mix, in hopes that 3D audio will be enough to earn your $150. After spending some time with the new PlayStation Platinum Wireless Headset, though, I’m not sure it deserves its asking price.”
“As it stands, there’s no reason to buy the Platinum headset just yet. For $10 more, you can get the well-reviewed Astro A30, which, while it doesn’t support 3D audio, still sounds great, and you can use it with multiple consoles, not just the PlayStation 4. The Platinum is a definite step up from Sony’s Gold headset in terms of fit and finish, but the flagship feature — 3D audio — still doesn’t have wide enough games support to justify the price.”
Images taken from Engadget