Check out Engadget’s roundup of sous vide cookers … it’s making me all hungry now!
For four years now we’ve tested sous vide cooking tools, and the Anova Precision Cooker Wi-Fi is the best immersion circulator for people who want to cook sous vide at home. It’s made by a lab-equipment manufacturer with a reputation for accurate water baths, and in spite of a relatively low price, it provides temperature precision on a par with that of significantly more-expensive machines.

Who this is for
A home sous vide cooker is mostly for food lovers and experimental cookers who love trying new techniques and recipes. Sous vide involves using a tool, such as the immersion circulators we tested here, to heat water and keep it at a set temperature. Then you seal your food—ideally within a vacuum—and immerse it in the hot water for hours at a time until the entire thing reaches a uniform temperature. The result? Steak that’s a perfect medium rare throughout (no cold, raw centers or overcooked outsides), chicken so tender that you don’t even need a knife, and eggs the consistency of custard. And for the most part, making that happen is easy.
Source: Engadget