Lenovo has announced the latest workstations in the ThinkStation series, the P410 and P510. The entry-level workstations come with the latest Xeon processors with Turbo Max 3.0 technology, NVIDIA’s Quadro cards, up to 128GB DDR4 memory (256GB on the P510), Wi-Fi ac 2 x 2 MIMO, and Windows 10 Pro out of the box.
The ThinkStation P410 can be configured with the Xeon E5-1600 v4 (8 cores at 3.7GHz) CPU, or the E5-2600 (8 cores at 3.5GHz) processor. It has four DIMM slots, and drive bays that can slot four 3.5-inch drives, four 2.5-inch drives, and three M.2 drives. You can also choose to get a Quadro M5000 with the workstation.
As for the ThinkStation P510, you get the same processor configurations, but you can choose to configure the Quadro M6000 card. There’s the ability to slot in six 3.5-inch drives, ten 2.5-inch drives, and a single M.2 drive. The ThinkStations also come with Lenovo’s performance optimization tool, which is described thusly:
LPT (Lenovo Performance Tuner) will enable customers to fine-tune their individual experiences based on their specific software’s demands on the hardware. Free to our customers, LPT offers power management, resource monitoring and tuning, graphics management and BIOS management.
Both workstations are designed on the C612 chipset. No word as of now regarding availability, but we’ll let you know once we hear more.