An upcoming NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 reference-design graphics card popped up in Hong Kong. The pictures reveal a reference design cooler that features a design that’s slightly different/simpler from the GTX 1080/1070 reference cooler, and features NVIDIA company branding on its PCB, although the PCB code isn’t printed in its usual location. The PCB itself appears to be shorter than the cooler, much in the same way as GTX 670, GTX 960 reference, and the RX 480 reference. There are no specifications to chew on, nor any information on what this card could be priced at.
Wing Lui
aka Proplus. Constantly looking for innovative ideas. Prefers tech that doesn't waste time. Gone are the days of overclocking, cascade cooling and watercooling. Gadgets, give me more gadgets!!
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