Do you have a PC that is a few years old but want to play the latest and greatest games on it? NVIDIA wants to breathe new life into these older PCs by releasing a PC Gaming Revival Kit containing an MSI GeForce GTX 1060 3GT OC, a Corsair Force Series LE 240 SSD and Corsair CX450M power supply. Oh, you will also get a NVIDIA T-shirt and a copy for Gears of War 4 as well.
In NVIDIA we know of gaming and we know that the main obstacle to a gamer, is knowing where to start.
PC Gaming Revival Kit will transform your computer into a real Gaming PC because it combines the best components to bring it to the next level, making start at an incredible speed, allowing you to enjoy graphics that have never experienced and properly functioning safety.
Today’s games carry a great challenge for graphics. If you want to get started in the games MOBA where a higher flow is required or want to enjoy games with the best visual experience, the GeForce GTX Series 10 graphics cards offer you the ultimate experience for the gamer really . With a performance up to three times higher compared to the graphics cards of the previous generation, you can enjoy all games without problems.
PC Gaming Revival Kit comes with everything you need to have a gaming PC really: a graphics card, an SSD, a power source, a game and a very cool polera and other gifts that will identify you as you really are : A GAMER