Build quality, Capacity, and Comfort.
Build quality.
Every part of this bag feels like it was made with durability as its main priority. While nothing is indestructible the bag is made out of some really thick fabric and the stitching around any seams is very durable and feels like it will do a great job at resisting tearing. The zippers are also very well made and feel like they will hold up for a long time without breaking.
Overall build quality is amazing there’s nothing on here that feels like it could be made better and I’m sure the only way this bag could be ripped is if someone ripped it on purpose. definitely a very well made bag.
Now, let’s load up this bag and see how much it can fit!
Currently, I’m going to school to be an IT technician which requires taking a ton of stuff with me every day. Currently, I have a tool kit, multiple books, a laptop, mouse and writing tools spread between two separate bags that I take with me every day.
As you can see I was easily able to fit the tons of equipment into the Fortress bag. By using the two separate “halves” of this bag I was able to delegate one large pouch to my toolkit and have one-half full of school equipment.
I was very surprised at how much room this bag has and It was extremely impressive how much this bag holds. It was also a major plus being able to no longer have to carry two separate bags around every day.
After filling this bag up with over 20lbs of gear I took it with me to school nearly every day for a little over 2 weeks and I was honestly amazed at how comfortable this bag is to carry around. I never had issues with my back hurting or the bag feeling uncomfortable even after taking it up and down stairs. The exceptional padding on the back goes a long way in helping this bag feel comfortable even when you’re packing a ton of stuff.
This is an extremely comfortable bag, I was very surprised with how good this bag felt during use and I have no complaints with how this bag feels.
Now for the final thoughts and scoring!
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