The Exterior
The RGB Matrix feature is located on the top of the front panel, and makes the chassis look rather like a sub-woofer unit. You can see the gull-wing side window in full view. Again, it’s not to everyone’s tastes … but I like it.
You’ll find the front I/O panel on the top of the chassis and controls the power and reset buttons, 1 x USB2.0, 2 x USB3.0, headphone and mic-in jacks, as well as the integrated LED controller.
The Interior
There’s one standard 120mm fan included at the rear of the chassis, but none at the front. I guess you can install your own. For our PC build, we’ll be installing some Thermaltake Riing Plus 12 fans. As you can see below, there’s enough room to mount a 360mm radiator and/or 3 x 120mm fans.
The chassis features GPU riser support allowing you to install your graphics vertically via a PCIE riser cable. There’s a total of 8 expansion PCIE slots, which is more than enough for most users. Hard drives can be mounted on top of the PSU cover, at the rear or on the right side of the motherboard tray.
A Closer Look
Motherboard mounts are clearly marked for ATX, mATX and mITX form factors. There two dust covers included, one situated on the underside of the chassis near the PSU area, and one at the front of chassis, both can be easily removed. The RGB Matrix with its infinity effect is one of the main features of the chassis and it’s located in the front panel (top).
There are the usual cables and connectors for the front I/O panel, which includes the power and reset buttons, USB 3.0 and HD audio. Hidden underneath the PSU cover, you’ll find 2 x 3.5″ hard drive caddies and finally, on the rear of the motherboard tray, there’s a IC board for the fan controller.