Performance has been tested on a still modern Haswell-E platform based on i7 5820K processor and ASUS Rampage V Extreme motherboard. All tests were performed on an Intel USB 3.0 controller which is offering the same performance as USB 3.1 Gen1. Maximum bandwidth achieved on this controller is about 450MB/s using Lexar CFast card and reader what is much more than declared maximum of tested JumpDrive C20m and C20c flash drives – 150MB/s.
In all cases JumpDrive C20c is first ( on the left side ) while C20m is second ( on the right side ).
Let’s begin the tests.
ATTO Disk Benchmark is peforming sequential bandwidth tests. In this case we can see that both flash drives are performing about the same. At the same time in both cases we could expect higher maximum bandwidth as 122MB/s is much below maximum declared speed.
CrystalDiskMark is showing better results and we could see bandwidth close to the 150MB/s. On the screenshots you can’t see that as we couldn’t repeat it but 140-145MB/s is still possible to see quite often.
In CrystalDiskMark we can also see that JumpDrive C20c is slightly faster in most tests. We can see that especially in read bandwidth. Most users won’t see that during work but benchmarks are showing that clearly.
One more screenshot using larger test files and situation is repeating. JumpDrive C20c is again a bit faster in most tests except maybe sequential bandwidth at 4GiB.
In Anvil’s Storage Utilities we are going back to what we could see in ATTO Disk Benchmark. Sequential bandwidth is not going much above 122MB/s what is less that we are expecting. However Anvil’s tests are well known to show lower results than other benchmarks.
Lexar JumpDrive C20c and C20m are performing well but slightly below our expectations. We have to remember that maximum bandwidth is affected by many factors and the most important is used USB controller. In our case we were trying to find the best one but even that wasn’t helping to pass declared 150MB/s.
Mobile devices rarely work at higher bandwidth than 40-90MB/s so I guess that users won’t see any special difference. The most important in the C20c and C20m are additional connectors which let to work with phones or charge them while moving data. These flash drives are designed more to make life easier and close everything in one small device rather than to break speed records.