Verdict and Conclusion
Team Xtreem 2666 is really fast memory. As it was mentioned at the beginning of this review, it’s even too fast for most users and without CPU overclocking it’s hard to notice any special difference between lower clocked memory kits.
I won’t recommend it to regular computer users just because it would be waste of money. For all those who know how to use so high memory clocks it will be really good option especially that actual price is set lower than the competition can offer.
In Europe I can find it for about €95/$120. It’s not cheap but most other 2600+ kits cost much more.
It’s hard to say something bad about this memory. I would only change PCB and maybe heatsink design. We are used to nice looking black PCB in high end memory kits while Team Group is still making their memory with the standard green color.
The heatsink is not bad but it’s unnecessary tall, the memory is not hot even while running at much higher voltage than stock. Some users can find it as disadvantage.
- Great performance.
- Good Overclocking.
- Runs cool
- Good price comparing to other 2600+ memory kits.
- Good scaling with voltage and highly resistant to high voltage.
- Standard Green PCB In high end memory.
- Tall heatsink which isn’t really needed.
Final Words. I’m sure that overclockers and extreme enthusiasts for whom this memory is addressed, won’t be disappointed. High overclocking potential, low temperature during work and high resistance for overvoltage are the big advantages of this kit. If we add in the reasonable price then we get nearly perfect product.