Believe it or not, this job involves a lot of typing…ok, well I won’t honestly pretend like you don’t know that, but all the same, it’s a very obvious and relevant factor. If the simple act of searching for youtube videos gives you carpel tunnel syndrome, it’s time to take your business elsewhere. Luckily, that doesn’t present much of an issue here. After many hours of testing on forums, search engines, and articles like these, my fingers never felt tired or jammed even with the rate at which I type.
For a non-mechanical keyboard, it still makes a fair ammount of noise. The biggest culprit seems to be the space bar which makes a grating squeak like you might expect from a weathered door hinge. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s had experience with this before, some of my older keyboards had the same problem, but it can be slightly distracting if you’ve got a paper or business proposal due and want to keep a consistent pace.
This is where I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint not so much in responsiveness during gameplay, but more to the fact that the manual only allots two pages per each different language section, meaning that there aren’t any fancy hotkeys for potions, spells, or any other quickslot keys that aren’t already on a normal keyboard layout. It’s not the most generous supply of extra keys, but more on that in the next section.
Overall, the G265 works well enough when the action starts to get really intense, and beyond. Now there were a couple times when I had to press a key twice because I guess I didn’t press hard enough? But this seemed to be a very rare occurence and hasn’t yet led to any rage or frustrating scenarios, so I think I can overlook it.