Just a few days ago, Ubisoft announced an update on 12 Apr which will altogether change the end-game mechanics again, which means I’ll have to play catch-up again!
For a simpleton gamer, I found that there is way too many buttons to press on my PS4 controller. If you are at any decent level of gameplay with this game, you will at any given time use around 4-5 of different button presses: X to hide behind over, then aim with L2 and shoot with R2, all whilst using the left and right analogue stick to adjust movement and aim, R3 to zoom in, and the square button the reload, triangle to switch weapons, and then theres the R1 for using a skill you’ve set, and the left and right directional keys of the D-pad for other skills, and phew, the L1 and R1 button together for another skill. So in the midst of a tense battle I usually mash my buttons all in the wrong order so I end up throwing a grenade at myself, or I have to momentarily have to pause to look down on my controller to remember what I need to press, which normally means I die as in the brief moment I’ve been shot many times.
At this point I have to stress that the game as it is now is far from polished. I’ve experienced game crashes, server lags (its an online game so even if you solo all the missions you still need to be connected to the game’s servers), my character getting stuck, and fast travel to wrong locations……and this is a game in which over 10000 bugs were found during its beta testing.
I do like The Division, its gives me ample room and time just to potter around doing things at my own pace and then the occasional bout of PvP. Ubisoft has already announced the timeline of the game’s expansion packs and updates, and its definitely something I will look to purchase in the future to keep the gameplay going. If anything, writing this quick review meant I had to learn to take screenshots on a PS4 and how to export them off it!