The Siberia Raw Prism for the price is basically an entry level gaming headset. SteelSeries, has restricted the Raw Prism to a 16 bit 48 MHz resolution, which is standard for most USB headsets. Having said that, I was pleasantly surprised with the audio quality. As previously stated, I tested the Raw Prism a little over a week, listening to music, gaming and various other PC use. I would strongly recommend downloading the SteelSeries engine 3 client. Without the software both the audio and microphone are quite awful. We will get into all the software features a little bit later.
Listening to music, the Siberia Raw Prism audio has a balanced feel to it. The two channel stereo (16 bit 48Mhz resolution) gives decent separation. While, the bass is a little flat due to the lightweight 40mm drivers. Cranking the volume up, leaves little to no distortion, yet at the same time Siberia Raw Prism seems restricted. On the other hand, the mids and high audio quality sounds surprisingly great. Which, I believe gives an enjoyable listening experience. My expectations were low with the Siberia Raw Prism having a two channel stereo system. Therefore, I greatly impressed and really enjoyed the in-game audio experience. I was able to hear precise explosions, people creeping up from behind, and voices coming from various directions.
In my opinion the Siberia Raw Prism microphone falls a bit short. The microphone, a little nub sitting on the left side, picks up omnidirectional sound. So it will inevitably pick up a lot of background noise. As stated earlier the SteelSeries engine 3 client is a must need and helps with the background noise by using the mic optimization. Also, found on the left side is the mute button and sits in the center of the LED light. SteelSeries does not provide any visual sighting showing which one you are on. Instead, the Raw Prism beeps once for unmute and twice for mute. Therefore, until gaining experience with the Raw Prism and having no visual sighting, the difference between being on mute and unmute may be confusing.
Lets see what all we can do with SteelSeries Engine 3 software.