Testing Methodology
For testing we will be testing on a PC . We will be examining the Ear buds performance in Music, Movies, and PC games.
Before running these tests, the ear buds were properly burned-in, in order to bring out the full characteristics of the sound. This is done in order to allow the speakers in the ear buds to burn-in since they often sound different out of the box, than when you burn them in for 20-50hrs. After the burn-in period, all tests were conducted.
So let us continue to the good stuff!
I listened to different albums in different genres, cause I don’t think anyone only listens to only one album or one genre. So i listend to Viva La Cobra! from the Post-Punk Band Cobra Starhip, ROOTS from the rapper Flo Rida and Dirty Bass from Far East Movement, an electronic band.
Viva La Cobra!
I really enjoyed listening to this album with the flux In-Ear Pro, the sound was nice and clear, the vocals and instrumental parts were great as well. Some tracks did had a bit of bass, and it was coming out great. The mids and lows of the songs were great as well. then the highs did come out clear too, I certainly didn’t had to complain.
While listening to this album I clearly heard all the effects and deep sounds of the tracks, the highs, the lows and the mids were awesome to hear.
Dirty Bass
Like the name of the album says, it has a lot of bass in the tracks and the bass is great on the flux in ear Pro’s. Again the lows and mids were very clear and the highs were great too.
Movies/ Video
Lots of people use their headphones or ear buds when they watch movies or their favorite TV shows.
This BBC/ Discovery channel is simply stunning visually and audio-wise. These headphones do not limit the quality of Life at all. Small details such as crunching grass or swimming fish come in very clearly.There were instances while closing my eyes and listening where I thought something was behind me from the clarity of the cans. Not all is perfect though, there are times when listening with high volumes when sounds blend and become unclear. Generally though as long as you aren’t at the highest volumes you should be fine.
Band of Brothers –
Being quite an amazing series, Band of Brothers was a perfect fit for a war experience. Small details stick out very well, footsteps, the crackling of a fire, distant gun shots are all very detailed. Larger sounds like exploding artillery and gunfire come in very crisp as well. When it comes to directional sound it is very easy to tell which direction explosions are in and where gunfire comes from which adds in another level to the already awesome experience. These ear buds will add another level of immersion to an already awesome viewing experience.
Battlefield 4
The new online blockbuster shooter of DICE, who doesn’t know Battlefield. If you ever played a shooter game online or in competition, you know how important sound is. The vehicles rolling your way, choppers and airplanes circling around you, enemies shooting at you or a sneaky one trying to knife you from behind. Audio can definitely save your ass. Also the huge conquest maps with multiple checkpoints to capture and the gorgeous graphics, with good audio this is all much better and you can just sit on the tip of your chair. And with the Flux I was sometimes blown away (literally) from the explosions or some heavy armor shooting at me, but I loved it!
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
A big huge immersive world is a great way to describe skyrim, the sound in the game is quite immersive as well. The music while walking through the world comes in quite beautiful never at one point in time while playing did I find myself thinking that the music came in badly. When it comes to game effects the Ear buds does so wonderfuly. From exploding spells to the sound of a sword hitting a metal shield the wold experience was great. One thing I really loved was the directional audio, compared to playing with my speakers I was easily able to tell where an enemy was coming from especially when a dragon was flying toward me from behind.