ReviewsSpeakers & Headsets

Tribit XFree Color Wireless Earphones Review

Sound Quality

Like the other Tribit product I’ve tried these earphones sound great!


Music quality

These earphones do have a more “balanced” sound profile meaning when listening to music mids highs and lows all sounded fairly equal most of the time. I do wish the bass was a bit more powerful and audible when listening to music, that’s not to say the bass is weak it just never feels more powerful than the mids or lows unless you’re listening to something with the bass extremely boosted so messing with the EQ settings on your device may change this I just keep all settings at default when I test products for review.

I will say these earphones “can” deliver impressive bass but the only time the bass really blew me away under default EQ settings was when I was listening to this bass test and they really did rattle my head when I listened too it but under normal music listening the bass never really shook my head the same way. In spite of the bass not being super powerful the bass is still clear and sounds really good it just doesn’t punch like some other earphones out of the box.

But if you listen to songs where bass isn’t the main driving instrument then these will sound great! Everything sounds extremely clear, I’m able to pick out the mids highs and lows of songs with ease when using these earphones.

These earphones also get super loud I wasn’t even able to have them in my ears when I was testing volume so unless you’re trying to use these as a speaker or something crazy like that you’ll have no issues with volume on these.

For music I was really happy with how they sounded I will admit I like overpowered bass but if that isn’t as important to you as pure sound quality then you’ll love the way these earphones sound. And even if you do love super powerful bass still check these out because with a little tweaking to my phone’s EQ setting I was able to make the bass quite powerful and more songs felt like they were rattling my head but I prefer for the bass to be strong out of the box since adjusting EQ settings to far to one side can lead to songs sounding weird.

For music they sound great but I really wish the bass was more powerful so I’m giving them a 4/5 on music listening.


Phone quality

These earphones do include a built-in microphone so you can take calls with them and they work great for that, I made multiple phone calls with them and I never had trouble understanding or hearing what other people were saying and no one had issues understanding me so 5/5 on the phone call aspect of these earphones.


Sound quality when watching movies

Simply put videos and movies sound great. I used these earphones to watch some scenes of Fury and explosions felt powerful (bass is slightly stronger in movies than music), rounds bouncing off of the tanks had a clean high-pitched ding noise, and voices were clear and things happening on the left side of the screen came though the left earphone clearly while things on the right came through the right clearly.

During YouTube videos where there was only talking voices were clear and easily understandable.

For movies and videos these earphones do great and I have no complaints so they get a 5/5 for movies and video watching.


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