It’s time for some tests so couple of popular benchmarks that work best on a flash drives. Just as a reminder, Kingston declares bandwidth up to 225MB/s read and 135MB/s write.
ATTO Disk Benchmark
ATTO base on sequential transfer tests so these results show more how flash drive is acting while moving larger data to or from the flash drive.
As we see on the screenshot, read bandwidth is great reaching 262MB/s but writes are much lower than declared. These results were slightly higher after couple of runs but we couldn’t pass much higher than 85MB/s write transfer.
Crystal Disk Mark 3.0.3 x64
Crystal Disk Mark except sequential tests also offer random transfer tests so it’s good to check how flash drive is acting while transfering many small files or simply if we wish to run some application from the flash drive.
In this test we see that Kingston DT HyperX 3.0 is achieving bandwidth much above declared values. Sequential read transfers are simply amazing and after couple of runs we actually saw 300MB/s+ results !! Write transfers are also better than declared – up to 160MB/s.
Random read and write tests are so far highest from all flash drives tested in our redaction and we can expect at least 10MB/s+ random read and 1MB/s+ random write bandwidth.
Anvil’s Storage Utilities
Anvil’s benchmarks are also mix of the sequential and random tests but we can also check data access time.
As we see in the table, sequential read bandwidth is again much above declared while write is slightly below. Random transfer results are again great and about the same as we could see in Crystal Disk Mark.
Kingston DT HyperX 3.0 is clearly one of the fastest flash drives available and as I already mentioned, the fastest flash drive tested on the FunkyKit.
Even though sometimes we can see lower than declared write bandwidth, we have to remember that these values depend from used data files and USB controller itself. We also see that to test drives we have to use couple of benchmarks as every test is showing slightly different results.