Lexar SDXC x1800 card has been tested on an Intel Skylake platform and Intel USB 3.0 controller which provides best performance. Used motherboard was MSI Z170I Gaming Pro AC with 1.4 BIOS/UEFI.
ATTO Disk Benchmark
ATTO Disk Benchmark is probably the most popular storage benchmark which is showing us sequential read and write bandwidth.
Quick look at the product package and we can see that declared bandwidth of the Lexar SDXC x1800 card is 270MB/s read and 245MB/s write. Now let’s take a look at the ATTO benchmark results below. Lexar SDXC card is slightly faster than we would expect reaching 272MB/s read and 247MB/s write.
Simply good results as we usually see that something is bottlenecking performance of USB 3.0 storage devices. In this case all is perfect.
CrystalDiskMark 5.1.1 x64
CrystalDiskMark is also one of the most popular storage benchmarks. Below we can see the results at 1,2,4 and 8 GiB test files. In all cases Lexar card is performing great. Even though results are slightly below declared maximum, in this benchmark it’s normal to see a bit lower results and we are usually focusing more on random bandwidth transfers rather than sequential.
In random bandwidth tests Lexar card is performing great considering it’s so tiny storage device. It’s better than most high performance flash drives and much faster than the HDD we have in our computers.
AS SSD Benchmark
AS SSD is already an old benchmark but it’s still popular so why not to present some results. Performance is about as good as we can see in CrystalDiskMark so simply great.
Other thing which has this benchmark is really long random bandwidth test which takes over half an hour. Lexar SDXC card has passed it without issues showing good performance so we are sure about quality of this card.
Anvil’s Storage Utilities
Anvil’s benchmark is showing both, sequential and random bandwidth but also IOPS ( Input/Output Operations per Second ). In all tests results are good. Actually are simply amazing considering it’s only a micro SD card. I think I’m repeating myself here but it’s really great performance as second best performing card in our redaction was other Lexar card which was achieving about 95MB/s bandwidth. Here is over 250MB/s and that’s impressing.
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