PC & ComputersMidweek Hardware Round Up 12th April 2017Richard Aizlewood12 April 2017 by Richard Aizlewood12 April 20170589 Here is this weeks Midweek Hardware Round Up 12th April 2017. Graphics Cards: ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 Ti AMP! Extreme Edition Review @ TweakTown AORUS...
PC & ComputersAMD Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6 GHz ReviewedWinston11 April 201711 April 2017 by Winston11 April 201711 April 20170495 The official launch date of the Ryzen is upon us (11th April). The team over at Techpowerup have just published a review on the AMD Ryzen...
PC & ComputersAMD Ryzen 5 1600X & 1500X Detailed – 6 & 4 Core CPUs Coming In Q2 2017Wing Lui3 March 2017 by Wing Lui3 March 20170423 So far, AMD has confirmed two chips in the Ryzen 5 lineup, the R5 1600X and R5 1500X. The former features 6 Zen cores and...
PC & ComputersMore AMD Ryzen 1700X, 1600X & 1300 Benchmarks LeakedWinston19 February 2017 by Winston19 February 20170347 I’m kinda fed of with all these so called “leaked” Ryzen benchmarks … all these numbers don’t mean SH!T in real life. I want to see...