CompetitionsExhibitionsFeaturedLIVE Prize Giveaway #135 – Win an ASRock B550 PG Riptide Motherboard + Ryzen 5 5600X CPUWinston9 November 202129 November 2021 by Winston9 November 202129 November 20210625 *** Competition Now Closed *** And the Winner is … Arganon This is Prize Giveaway #135 – Only eligible to subscribers of our Twitch...
NewsPC & ComputersIntel Core i5-12600K Alder Lake is 47% Faster than AMD Ryzen 5600XWinston25 October 202125 October 2021 by Winston25 October 202125 October 20210460 Of course these test results are from leaked sources … but still, almost 50% faster than the AMD Ryzen 5600X. If the price is right,...
ReviewsAMD Ryzen 5 5600X Processor Reviewed at AMD3DWinston10 November 202010 November 2020 by Winston10 November 202010 November 202001076 Our sister site has published a review on the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X processor. Check out the full review here. Today, we’ll be taking a...