8.8 Power SuppliesReviewsUnboxingMSI MPG A1000G PCIE5 Power Supply Review (with 16-PIN 12VHPWR Connector)Winston20 September 202230 January 2023 by Winston20 September 202230 January 202307620 Over the next few months, we’re going to be seeing a lot of new power supplies featuring the new 16-pin PCIe 5.0 connector for next-gen...
Power SuppliesReviewsEnermax RevoBron 600W Gaming PSU ReviewBartosz Waluk14 December 201814 December 2018 by Bartosz Waluk14 December 201814 December 201802767 We are usually reviewing top series of Enermax PSU with 80+ Gold or Platinum certification. This time we will take a closer look at their...
PC & Computersbe quiet! Pure Power 10 600W Power Supply ReviewWinston30 June 201726 October 2017 by Winston30 June 201726 October 20170410 Our good friends over at HardOCP has reviewed the be quiet! Pure Power 10 600W Power Supply.This is one of the reviews that I just...