ReviewsVideo CardsHIS Radeon RX5700 IceQX2 Graphics Card ReviewBartosz Waluk6 November 20197 November 2019 by Bartosz Waluk6 November 20197 November 201903017 A few weeks ago we reviewed the HIS RX5700 XT IceQX2 graphics card, which received our Editor’s Choice Award. Now it’s time to present you...
PC & ComputersNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER Now Offers 8GB GGDR6 Memory – Leaked PhotosWinston1 July 2019 by Winston1 July 20190408 Well I’m glad the new RTX 2060 SUPER now offers 8GB GGDR6 memory … This is something Nvidia should have done when their first released...
NewsSK Hynix Announces its 8Gb GDDR6 Memory ChipsWing Lui24 April 2017 by Wing Lui24 April 20170433 SK Hynix Inc. today introduced the world’s fastest 2Znm 8Gb (Gigabit) GDDR6 (Graphics DDR6) DRAM. The product operates with an I/O data rate of 16...