8.8 Power SuppliesReviewsUnboxingMSI MPG A1000G PCIE5 Power Supply Review (with 16-PIN 12VHPWR Connector)Winston20 September 202230 January 2023 by Winston20 September 202230 January 202307784 Over the next few months, we’re going to be seeing a lot of new power supplies featuring the new 16-pin PCIe 5.0 connector for next-gen...
8.8 Power SuppliesReviewsMSI MPG A1000G Power Supply ReviewChris3 August 202230 January 2023 by Chris3 August 202230 January 202303999 Today we have a power supply from MSI, The MPG A1000G. As the name may hint at it is indeed a 1000-watt power supply. Perfect...