In gaming, where every pixel, every frame, and every move can determine victory or defeat, audio often stands as the unsung hero. While stunning visuals...
Embracer Freemode, announced today its new CRKD branded range of premium gaming gear offering distinct, collectible products, designed to enhance play for passionate gamers. Created in Freemode’s...
Go check out some of Anker’s Charging Accessories via our Amazon store – Taken from Engadget … If you’re looking to buy some accessories...
Celebrating 30 Years of Business, the Company Embraces Tech Lifestyle Cooler Master, the high-performance PC component and peripherals brand, today announced its Cooler Master Electronics...
SteelSeries, the worldwide leader in gaming and esports peripherals, and Bungie, creator of the definitive action MMO Destiny videogame series, today unveiled a new collection...
Razer, the leading global lifestyle brand for gamers (Hong Kong Stock Code: 1337), today unveiled three new additions to its Productivity range with the new...
If you’re looking to take gaming seriously, you’re going to need some of the best equipment available. Of course, gaming could pay off nowadays and...
SteelSeries, the worldwide leader in gaming and esports peripherals, today unveiled SteelSeries PrismCaps. The new line of PrismCaps are designed to provide gamers with the...
Thermaltake, the leading PC DIY premium brand for Cooling, Gaming Gear, and Enthusiast Memory solutions, is thrilled to announce the launch of Thermaltake’s first multi-colored...