MotherboardsReviewsASRock Z390 Taichi Motherboard ReviewWinston5 November 20185 November 2018 by Winston5 November 20185 November 201802673 In this review, we’ll be taking a quick look at the ASRock Z390 Taichi motherboard featuring the latest Intel Z390 chipset, supporting both the 8th...
PC & ComputersIntel Core i9-9900K Overclocked to 6.9 GHz On All Cores – With LN2Winston9 October 2018 by Winston9 October 20180411 Overclocked to 6.9 GHz on All Cores … NICE! Intel took their opportunity to add a golden sheen to their new 9th Gen CPUs by...
PC & ComputersIntel’s 8-core Mainstream Coffee Lake-S Processor Coming Soon?Winston21 March 201821 March 2018 by Winston21 March 201821 March 20180504 Oh dear … the leaks are getting a little OTT now. It’s becoming more like “fake” news lol. We do know that Z390 chipsets are...