ArticlesPC & ComputersVideo CardsPerformance Analysis: Two Radeon RX 590 in Crossfire @ AMD3DWinston4 March 20208 March 2020 by Winston4 March 20208 March 202001706 Our sister site AMD3D have published a performance analysis two Radeon RX 590 in Crossfire mode. Head over there to check out the full article,...
PC & ComputersAMD Radeon RX 5700 “Navi” Graphics Cards Lack CrossFire SupportWinston8 July 2019 by Winston8 July 20190386 WTF ?!@?! … Are you serious? Come on AMD! In a comical turn of events, while NVIDIA restored NVLink SLI support for its RTX 2070...
Apps & SoftwareAMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.11.4 DriversWinston30 November 2017 by Winston30 November 20170485 AMD today put out its fourth Radeon Software release of the month, the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.11.4 Beta. These drivers come with optimization for...
ArticlesFeaturedVideo CardsTwo Radeon RX 480 Crossfire Performance AnalyzedWinston13 October 201626 October 2017 by Winston13 October 201626 October 20176 2560 Thanks to HIS, we take a look at the Crossfire Performance on a pair of Radeon RX 480 (8 GDDR5) graphics cards. Here are some...
MotherboardsGIGABYTE Z97X-UD3H Black Edition Motherboard ReviewJeremy Gulley31 August 201426 October 2017 by Jeremy Gulley31 August 201426 October 201702418 This is that time again readers! We recently put the GIGABYTE Z97X-SLI through our review channel and this time we will be test driving the...