CompetitionsEncore: Win a Pair of ADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB KitWinston17 May 201818 June 2018 by Winston17 May 201818 June 20180687 *** Competition Now Closed *** And the Winner is Carlos Lavall Thanks to ADATA and our very own Funky Kit Team, we’re giving away...
CompetitionsWin a Pair of ADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB KitWinston26 January 201825 February 2018 by Winston26 January 201825 February 20182 927 *** Competition Now Closed *** And the Winner is Lily F To celebrate reaching over 6,000 YouTube subscribers and more than 4,000 Likes on...
PC & ComputersADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4 Memory ModuleWinston9 August 20169 August 2016 by Winston9 August 20169 August 20160335 Time to feel good about showing off: light up your PC with dazzling performance. XPG Dazzle uses a patented LED heatsink that turns your system...