CompetitionsEncore: Win a Pair of ADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB KitWinston17 May 201818 June 2018 by Winston17 May 201818 June 20180685 *** Competition Now Closed *** And the Winner is Carlos Lavall Thanks to ADATA and our very own Funky Kit Team, we’re giving away...
CompetitionsWin a Pair of ADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB KitWinston26 January 201825 February 2018 by Winston26 January 201825 February 20182 925 *** Competition Now Closed *** And the Winner is Lily F To celebrate reaching over 6,000 YouTube subscribers and more than 4,000 Likes on...
CompetitionsWin a set of GEIL EVO Potenza DDR4-2400 16GB Memory KitWinston15 June 201726 October 2017 by Winston15 June 201726 October 20171744 *** Competition Now Closed *** And the Winner is Henry We have another fantastic giveaway. Thanks to our sponsors GEIL, and our very own...
MemoryReviewsGEIL EVO Potenza DDR4-2400 16GB Memory Kit ReviewWinston6 March 201726 October 2017 by Winston6 March 201726 October 201704655 Today, we’ll be taking a look at the the GEIL EVO Pontenza DDR4-2400 16GB Dual Channel Memory Kit. According to GEIL, these modules are their latest, top of...
MemoryReviewsADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB Kit ReviewWinston29 September 201626 October 2017 by Winston29 September 201626 October 201703305 In this review, we will be taking a look at the ADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB Kit (2 x 8Gb modules). It comes with a...
FeaturedFKTVADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB Kit UnboxingWinston23 September 201623 September 2016 by Winston23 September 201623 September 20160500 Thanks to ADATA, we have a quick unboxing video of the ADATA XPG Dazzle DDR4-2400 16GB Kit. This will be the memory of choice for...
MemoryKingston HyperX Impact 16GB DDR4-2400 SODIMM Memory ReviewBartosz Waluk21 March 201626 October 2017 by Bartosz Waluk21 March 201626 October 20174 3388 Today we will present a bit different memory kit than we are usually have a chance to test. It will be the latest memory designed...
MemoryCrucial Ballistix Sport LT 16GB DDR4-2400 CL16 Memory Kit ReviewBartosz Waluk1 April 201526 October 2017 by Bartosz Waluk1 April 201526 October 201701528 Not so long time ago we had a chance to test amazing Crucial Ballistix Elite 16GB DDR4 memory. Today we wish to present slightly different...
MemoryKingston HyperX FURY 32GB DDR4-2400 CL15 Memory Kit ReviewBartosz Waluk25 March 201526 October 2017 by Bartosz Waluk25 March 201526 October 201702040 Some time ago we had a chance to test HyperX Predator DDR4-3000 memory kit which is top series of Kingston memory line designed for gamers...