NewsPC & ComputersGigabyte Releases DRM Fix Tool for Intel 12th Gen ProcessorsRichard Aizlewood22 November 2021 by Richard Aizlewood22 November 20210855 Gigabyte Technology, one of the top global manufacturers of motherboards, graphics cards, and hardware solutions, announced today the GIGABYTE DRM Fix Tool to greatly improve...
GamingGOG Joins the Black Friday Sales Craze with up to 90% Off in DRM-Free GamesWinston23 November 2018 by Winston23 November 20180373 GOG, the store-front for DRM-less game titles from CD Projekt Red, have also joined in on the Black Friday craze. It’s just so much of...
GamingShadow Warrior 2 Temporarily Available for Free on GOG.comWinston5 October 2018 by Winston5 October 20180441 Get yours NOW for FREE! As an update to the 10th anniversary celebrations, it turns out that Shadow Warrior 2 won the public vote to...