PC & ComputersIntel Unleashes 56-core Xeon “Cascade Lake” Processor to Counter AMD’s 64-core EPYCWinston4 April 2019 by Winston4 April 20190503 And you thought Intel was going to idly stand by and let AMD take all the lime-light? Intel late Tuesday made a boat-load of enterprise-relevant...
Apps & SoftwareNewsIntel Warned China of Meltdown and Spectre Before the US GovernmentWinston29 January 2018 by Winston29 January 20180451 Probably because there are more Intel CPUs sold in China than anywhere else … It’s about customer service and support 😉 I bet the US...
NewsPC & ComputersGoogle, ARM, Microsoft Issue Statements Regarding Discovered Security FlawsWinston5 January 2018 by Winston5 January 20180428 It’s time for some damage control and repair … oh boy what a mess for Intel. After Intel and AMD’s differing statements on the same...
PC & ComputersIntel Says Memory Security Issue May Extends Beyond its Own ChipsWinston4 January 2018 by Winston4 January 20180394 AMD isn’t having it … saying that their chips are architecturally different – with near zero risk. All I can say is … if it’s based...