BlogsIs Apple Taking Over PayPal’s Market Share?Will Smith21 December 20226 February 2023 by Will Smith21 December 20226 February 202301171 Don’t be shocked if the individual checking out in front of you uses their iPhone rather than a credit card to make their purchase the...
MiscellaneousNewsPayPal Confirms it’s Planning to Launch its own StablecoinWinston10 January 2022 by Winston10 January 20220561 This news is really big … Paypal already has over 360 million active users. Imagine everyone on its platform using Paypal’s own stablecoin. I’m all...
BlogsMiscellaneousNewsPayPal UK Finally Brings Cryptocurrency Trading to the MassesWinston24 August 2021 by Winston24 August 20210385 And about time too … Taken from Engadget … PayPal is bringing the ability to buy, hold and sell cryptocurrencies across to the other side...
Apps & SoftwareYou Can Now Transfer Money on Facebook Messenger UKWinston7 November 2017 by Winston7 November 20170621 Back in 2015, Facebook introduced the ability to send money to friendsthrough Messenger and now it has brought that capability to UK users. It’s the first...
How To GuidesSetting Up An Alipay AccountWing Lui9 April 201626 October 2017 by Wing Lui9 April 201626 October 201701047 I must confess, for about a month now I’ve been trying to set up an Alipay account (with payment details) for myself. We’ve been using...