Gadgets & ToysOpen Bionics 3D-Printed Prosthetic Arm is Now AvailableWinston5 April 2019 by Winston5 April 20190552 This is so cool … One year after Open Bionics began selling its 3D-printed Hero Arm prosthetic in the UK, the bionic arm is available in the...
Blogs4 Ways Tech Is Going To Improve And Enhance HumansTech Reviewer26 July 2017 by Tech Reviewer26 July 20170767 Human beings have always wanted to improve themselves, it’s an intrinsic human drive. We’ve come to a point in time where technology allows us to...
Gadgets & ToysThe Third Thumb Gadget is Now a RealityWinston7 July 201726 October 2017 by Winston7 July 201726 October 20170515 How many times have you wished for a third hand while trying to carry too many things? Well, you can’t have that yet because it’s...