GamingThe Division 2 Available Only on Ubisoft and Epic StoresWinston14 January 2019 by Winston14 January 20190394 Runs nice with Radeon VII … The Epic Games Store with its aggressive developer earnings program is drilling away at Steam’s already-installed hegemony as the PC...
NewsPC & ComputersNVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang Says Radeon VII is Underwhelming, Lousy Performance And Freesync Doesn’t WorkWinston11 January 2019 by Winston11 January 20190490 Someone’s getting worried about AMD’s new Radeon VII … hahaha! PC World managed to get a hold of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang, picking his thoughts...
PC & ComputersAMD Announces the Radeon VII Graphics Card: Beats GeForce RTX 2080Winston10 January 201910 January 2019 by Winston10 January 201910 January 20190384 I am LOVING AMD right now! AMD today announced the Radeon VII (Radeon Seven) graphics card, implementing the world’s first GPU built on the 7...