PC & ComputersMidweek Hardware Round Up 5th October 2016Richard Aizlewood5 October 2016 by Richard Aizlewood5 October 20160476 Here is this weeks Midweek Hardware Round Up 5th October 2016. Graphics Cards: GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1060 Xtreme Gaming Review @ TweakTown KFA2 GeForce GTX...
CoolingReviewsScythe Kabuto 3 CPU Cooler ReviewBartosz Waluk8 June 201626 October 2017 by Bartosz Waluk8 June 201626 October 201701853 In today’s review we will present high performance processor cooler from Scythe which will have its premiere in couple of days. Scythe Kabuto 3 is...