After Adi Shankar chalked up a hit with his animated Castlevania series on Netflix, what’s he going to do next? Why, adapt another classic, darkly-themed video game franchise, of...
The 43-inch version of Samsung’s 4K TV that can disguise itself as an art piece is now available on and various retailers in the US. It’s...
It’s difficult for soundbars to stand out: they have to be very intelligent or sweet-sounding to rise above the rest. Samsung is clearly betting on that second strategy to...
Sony Electronics announced today two new 4K HDR (High Dynamic Range) television series designed to deliver even wider brightness range, higher contrast and spectacular picture...
Public broadcaster NHK on Monday started 4K and 8K ultra high-definition test broadcasting on its BS satellite channels, aiming to verify the technology and popularize...
Sony Electronics announced today the Z series, the next generation in television display technology with the ability to reproduce the deeper blacks, brighter lights, and...
Sony Electronics has introduced three new 4K Ultra HD television series: the XBR-X800D, the XBR-X750D and the XBR-X700D. Ideal for a variety of room sizes...