ArticlesMiscellaneousIPTV Box – Unblock Tech (Update – July)Wing Lui25 July 201630 January 2018 by Wing Lui25 July 201630 January 201803273 Another few months has passed from our previous update on the Unblock Tech IPTV box, and it was about time we gave you another update...
ReviewsSmall Seven IPTV Box 小七盒子 ReviewWing Lui20 May 201630 January 2018 by Wing Lui20 May 201630 January 201803023 The current state of Hong Kong TV is not good; the dross that is pumped out on the local box is just dire, and arguably...
AccessoriesArticlesMiscellaneousIPTV Box – Unblock Tech (Update)Wing Lui24 April 201630 January 2018 by Wing Lui24 April 201630 January 201803270 After our last look the the Unblock Tech IPTV box, our FunkKit website has had a constant stream go hits to the article, so I...
AccessoryArticlesGadgets and ToysIPTV boxes – Unblock TechWing Lui7 March 201631 January 2018 by Wing Lui7 March 201631 January 20187 2509 The first I had ever heard of an IPTV box was a TVPad which was owned by a colleague. I didn’t think much of it...